We are a dedicated small organization based in Bruges and operating mainly in Dunkirk, where we provide direct assistance to refugees.
Our main goal is to alleviate the basic needs of these people.  We collect essential resources such as blankets, tents, clothing, shoes and hygiene products.
However, we believe that this is not enough. 
Therefore, we are now working hard to expand our basic care with an innovative project, the bath-mobile. 
We are transforming a van into a "bathroom" with 4 showers. This allows refugees to take a much-needed hot shower for once.

a box of 24 bottles of artisanally brewed dark brown beer of 33cl at 7.1°

Sorry, this one is sold out!

a box of 24 bottles of artisanally brewed blond beer of 33cl at 6,5°

60€ per container (including deposit)

On our 2ndhand Vinted channel you will find clothes, shoes and accessories at very democratic prices.

All administration and payments are done there.

Please feel free to take a look.

Thank you to all the sponsors and helping hands!

Without you we could not make the swimmobile.

A refugee, like you, wants to be happy and give meaning to his life.
We offer help to people on the road, but we can't do it without your help.
With every contribution, you share a piece of happiness.

Donating is possible and any free contribution is very welcom:
Niemand is Illegaal

BE66 9734 2953 6343

Hoodie unisex 40€ (S-M-L-XL-XXL)

T-shirt mannen 20€ (S-M-L-XL-XXL)

T-shirt vrouwen 20€ (S-M-L-XL-XXL)

Tote bag 5€ (rood - groen - zwart)


Schrijf het gewenste bedrag over op onze rekening.
Stuur vervolgens een e-mail naar info@niemandisillegaal.be met vermelding van de maat eventuele aantallen, en je adres of maak een afspraak om af te halen.

Ons bankrekeningnr. BE66 9734 2953 6343


Verzendkosten zijn 6€ binnen België.

Neem gerust contact met ons op voor verdere bestemmingen.